Haute’s formula for connection and why we believe business is personal
Haute operates according to a few simple practices: We go the extra mile to create genuine human connection, strategic problem solving from our unique perspective, and deliver authentic feedback.
You could say these are the cornerstone of Haute’s modus operandi, and you’d be right. The results have helped thousands bring real change in business results and in their careers.
“Magical.” “Therapeutic.” “Comfortable.” These are just a few words clients have used to describe how it feels to be part of an experience created by Haute. It’s true that every experience is custom-built to feel like something out of the ordinary is being served up.
Creating lasting impressions
Our goal is to make everything we do resonate this way. Plus, there’s the knowing that if it’s something we’d enjoy ourselves, the audience will enjoy experiencing it! Our programs are designed to elicit a tipping point and drive it home. And where’s that exactly? It lives precisely at the intersection of “Wow, this is unlike any conference/webinar/sales call (insert preference here) I’ve ever been part of,” and the recognition of a struck connection that catalyzes action.
It all begins with Haute’s ethos and is rooted in what we call The Five C’s: Care, Collaborate, Co-create, Converse, and Connect. Pretty straightforward stuff, right? But the difference, for Haute at least, is that we’ve codified the Five C’s into every program, event, and creative element we produce. This is how we build and deepen the relationships we have with clients. It’s why we believe business is personal.
Our Five C’s to Connection
CARE. Everyone has a story to tell and caring about other people and their stories, perspectives, experiences, and wisdom is at the core of all we do. We are an inclusive community, not exclusive, with our team members, suppliers, and clients.
COLLABORATE. We bring a collaboration mindset to our projects, where team members are free to bring their challenges and solutions to seek help, advice, and guidance and share their experiences for the benefit of others. During discovery, we uncover shared goals, leading to the co-creation of new initiatives and bringing in new perspectives and ideas. This is how we approach our event programs, and we believe that all networking opportunities deserve this approach. This is where business relationships begin.
CO-CREATE. Co-creation brings a “Yes, and…” mentality to our events anchoring on the tenets of involvement, engagement, and participation. We carry the value of co-creation beyond just crowdsourcing and collaborating. We co-create projects, business agreements, solutions, and deep and trusting relationships through collaboration and shared goals.
CONVERSE. (Or conversation) We believe in equality of conversation, not letting one person monopolize the time, and exchange must be value-based, not sales-based. Only by listening, thinking, building, and refining our way to an answer do we get something that will work for the people and businesses we serve.
CONNECT. This is what happens naturally. It can’t be forced. We strongly believe organic and serendipitous connections abound when the distractions are removed. When the environment is bare. When people feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable with another person, a connection is made. We create a comfortable, walls-down environment. The rest is up to you.
So here’s our framework for magical moments and deep and trusting relationships: The environment must create Return on Emotion. The experience is crafted following our Rules to Engagement. And the personal connections are made through our Five C’s.
At Haute, business is personal. We know that connections drive decisions. We become friends with our suppliers, teammates, and clients by creating deep and trusting relationships. And we wouldn’t want it any other way.